
Thursday, August 6, 2015

#6MMRPC Week 9: Ebonwrath & Anirion

In spite of suffering from a nasty nasty cold, Ebonwrath is finished!

It's interesting how lighting can make such a big difference in how something looks... especially when it's (overall) black.

In some ways I think he’s going to be the toughest dragon in my 3 dragon challenge. And not because painting a black dragon is particularly hard. No, what was the real challenge was the base. I’ve never used water effects like this before, and rather than start with something small, I decided to start with a CD base with a semi-submerged mini, where the water wasn’t nicely contained on the base… I still need to glue a piece of felt on the bottom of the base, but aside from that little bit, it’s done and I learned a lot.

I also finished up Anirion. I think next time I’m going to try for a more interesting pattern for a robe edging. The slash marks are ok, but not really interesting.

Now onto the next challenge - Kaladrax and Hyrekia! Actually I have 2 Hyrekia minis, the original metal mini, and the Bones one that came with Kaladrax. I picked up the metal one with a credit I got from Bones I for… Something missing or miscast… I don’t remember what. Anyway, I got the metal one because the Bones Hyrekia was rather… unimpressive. I don’t know if it was a casting issue, or if it’s just a rather soft sculpt, but it lacks the personality of the original metal mini.

While Buglips may be insane enough to try to paint Kaladrax in just 5 days with size 0 brushes, I'm going to use my airbrush!


  1. WOW! Envious of your skill. I keep thinking I could do that too, if I only had the time, talent, space, and money for all the paints, brushes, etc.... LOL!

    Seriously, nice work.

    1. Talent? Ha!! As far as the paints and brushes go, a pretty basic investment can go a long way. The Reaper Learn To Paint Kit is a FANTASTIC value and a great place to start.

  2. That big guy looks brilliant!

    And love Anirion, the cloak looks great!!

  3. Great looking model, and the base really compliments it. Well done!

  4. The dragon looks quite fantastic. I was going to comment it must be hard to light up well for photography, but you were intentionally moving the lights? The wing webbing I think is my favorite part, although I find it interesting the skin looks purplish under certain lighting conditions (probably photo artifact?). Glad to hear the basing trials are over, maybe you'll do up a dedicated post about what you learned about doing water effects?

    1. I was moving the lights all over the place seeing what effects I was getting.

      The purple is actually very intentional. I both mixed in some purple with the black, but also gave it a purple wash, and some very very gentle purple highlights on the scales. Plus there are some dark purple stripes!

      A post about the base and what I learned? That's a good idea!

  5. Definitely awesome. You do excellent work, David.

  6. The base turned out great. I love the rough shod edges and how natural it looks with all the foliage trying to keep from drowning in that nasty black swamp water.

    Dragon looks great. Daveb hit all the parts I liked on it.


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