
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Things I'm Excited About!

First, and most importantly, Bones II begins shipping officially on Monday! While I'm only about 40% of the way though Bones I, I am inordinately excited about this! And not even necessarily for the big minis (though I did order 2 of Dragons Don't Share!)

I mean just check this out? And this is just the core set! I'm also getting expansion 1!!

I've signed up for the A to Z Challenge again this year. Once again, I'm already questioning my sanity. This year, even more than before, since I'm planning on being on the Appalachian Trail for a good chunk of April, which means I need to get those posts written like NOW and get them scheduled.

The good news is that I have a theme and a plan already! We'll see how that works out.

DareDevil, while not one of my favorite characters, is coming to Netflix! I'll probably be on the trail at that point, so I'll catch up on the first season when I get back.

They're doing a Doctor Who lego set!

And for those gamers of a more Baltimore-centric type, Charm City Games Day is being held February 28th at Games and Stuff. If you're local, you should sign up!

My FLGS Titan Games is hosting an RPG day this Saturday. Kind of short notice, but if you're free it might be worth checking out.


  1. I'm disappointed they're doing daredevil in the black costume. Daredevil should be in yellow and black, and turn red shortly thereafter. That's daredevil!

    1. I'm a little surprised it isn't red too, but then again, maybe this is just an early costume?

  2. I am also super excited about Bones II. I mean, sure, I literally do not have room to store all of Bones I, and I haven't yet used even 5% of the minis in the set, but I'll be damned if that slows me down from being excited about new awesome miniatures!

    1. Yeah, I'm so out of storage at this point it isn't even funny. But I wants it... Preferably by late next week....

  3. Great to see you on the A to Z challenge!

    Oh. I need the Doctor Who Lego set.

    1. We'll see if I can get the entries done before I go hiking!


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