
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

#6MMRPC Week 2

This past week I found myself stuck all day in one of the nicest cities to be stuck in for a day - Frederick Maryland. The weather was beautiful though a little overcast, which did help keep the temperature down. I decided to take advantage of this, and bring my paints and minis with me, and I spent the morning painting at one of the local parks.

If you've never tried painting outside, I highly recommend it. It's nice to get out into the fresh air, while still enjoying your hobby. Granted the light is never ideal. Between clouds, the rotation of the earth, trees, etc. it's always shifting. Yet there's something to be said for natural light...

Here you can see the black orcs coming along nicely. I got more work done on them, but when I decided I was hungry and wanted lunch, I forgot to snap one last picture of them to show my current status. 

Lunch was a fantastic burger and a sampler of beers at Brewer's Alley. If you're ever in the area, it's well worth the stop.

Aside from that I didn't get much other painting done, and what painting was done looked more like this:

And in case you're interested in seeing who else is working on the project, check out the 6 Month Mountain Reduction & Painting Challenge Blog.


  1. Only painting I've ever done outside was on canvas and easel many eons ago in art school. But I like the idea of painting in the park - if only it didn't get so bloody hot here...

    1. It got up to 80 that day, but it was seriously overcast, so it didn't feel anywhere near that warm until much later in the day. Lately it's only been in the 70's! Really delightful!

  2. I like the skin tone choice on the orcs! Nice work! Painting outside sounds delightful, I really need to get a nice table and chairs for my garden/patio next year!

    1. Thanks! Sometimes it's nice to see an orc that isn't green.


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