
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Tedankhamen's March Madness 31 day Obscure Game Blogging Challenge (3/4)

15 What pseudo or alternate history RPG have you enjoyed most? Why?

Vampire, set during the Renaissance in Italy. It wasn't a very alternate history, but in our game the Pope was a ghoul.

16 Which RPG besides D&D has the best magic system? Give details.

As much as I prefer more structured games, more free form games like Fate can handle magic really well. The flexibility really lets it shine.

17 Which RPG has the best high tech rules? Why?

I'm still a big fan of how Alternity handled it.

18 What is the crunchiest RPG you have played? Was it enjoyable?

It was a beta test game, kind of Steampunk/Deadlands. I don't remember what it was called. It was ok, but clear why it was never published.

19 What is the fluffiest RPG you have played? Was it enjoyable?

FATE. It was fun.

20 Which setting have you enjoyed most? Why?

For volume of play, the Forgotten Realms. For inventiveness, Star*Drive for Alternity.

21 What is the narrowest genre RPG you have ever played? How was it?

I don't think I've ever really played a game that maintained a really narrow genre. Some started out that way, but they never remained so for very long.

Tedankhamen's March Madness 31 day Obscure Game Blogging Challenge


  1. Hi David .. just welcoming you to the A-Z Challenge this year, but I see you did it last year ... I'm ashamed I know nothing about RPG .. and sincerely hope you'll find other like minded bloggers and gamers within the Challenge ...

    All the best - Hilary

    1. Hi Hilary, thanks for stopping by! I'm looking forward to this year's challenge. Good luck with your blogging!


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