
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A to Z 2013

I've signed up to do the A to Z Challenge again this year. Given that I've barely posted 20 times this year that might seem kind of crazy, especially since most of those have been picture posts. However I've been finishing up my final class for my Masters degree, and it's been a real owlbear of a class, but by April the worst of it will be over, and I'm looking for something good to really get me back into the habit of writing and posting.

Last year for the A to Z Challenge I did magic items and spells. I'm thinking this year I'm going to do monsters, but I'm not positive. Like last year, I'm going to avoid being in your face about the fact that it's the A to Z Challenge (except for this post, the post before I start the challenge, and the wrap up in May). I expect simply to post 26 posts in April that will happen to follow the alphabet, and I hope you like them. More importantly, I hope they get me back into the habit of writing.

One of the things I like about this year is that when you sign up, you can indicate what type of blog you have. For example I indicated that my blog is a gaming blog (obviously).

I've added a new poll on the side - Are you participating in the A to Z Challenge?


  1. Fantastic. I am going to be participating as well.

  2. Don't have my own web-page, but I look forward to reading everything you guys come up with.


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