
Thursday, February 23, 2012

A to Z Preview

As I did last year, I will be participating in the A to Z Challenge in April. However, rather than a Hodge-podge of random posts, this year I have a theme! Magic items and spells!

This is just part of the 2012 Blogging from A to Z challenge. It is a simple copy and paste event with a minimum of questions. The concept is pretty simple. I answer these questions in my blog. Those that choose to play answer them in their blog. Without further delay, my answers are posted below:

Are you signed up for the A to Z Challenge?
Yes, I am.

What is your sign-up number?
My sign-up number is 670.

Are you ready? If yes...explain yourself.
Yes, I am ready. Over the month of April I'll be sharing 26 new magical items and spells for classic Dungeons and Dragons, and I already have the list written up! These are the first 3:
  1. Arc Arrow of Alria
  2. Bouncing Ball
  3. Cursed Crown of Corinson
If you’re not ready...what’s your excuse?
See above.

There are my answers. If you choose to play, just copy the questions in your blog, answer them, and leave a reply here.


  1. Here you go!

    Are you signed up for the A to Z Challenge?
    Yes, I am.

    What is your sign-up number?
    No idea. #131

    Are you ready? If yes...explain yourself.
    Yes, I am ready.

    I am reviewing RPGs A to Z.

    If you’re not ready...what’s your excuse?
    See above.

  2. @David: I can always use more magic items and spells!

    @Timothy: I enjoy rpg reviews so I'll be checking your blog out.

  3. Good to see you returning to Challenge the Alphabet for another round in April.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  4. Though not a fan of the A to Z I like that you have a theme and will keep up with interest. Maybe you could put out a cool pdf when you're all done.

  5. @Timothy - Awesome!

    @Charlie - I'm glad you're excited!

    @Arlee - Thanks for co-hosting the challenge!

    @Tim - I want this round to be less random, and more the sorts of thing I tend to post anyway. Yet also fit it in with the challenge. I also don't want to drive off anyone who was really bugged by the challenge last year. As for a PDF, yeah, I think that's very doable!


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