
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bits and Bobs V

Tim Curry Tuesday is postponed this week to Thursday, on account of the fact that I haven't finished stating it up the character for the different systems I picked this week. I should have it up on Thursday.

I'm considering doing Asshat Paladin's OSR Challenge: A September of Short Adventures. However I'm undecided. There is a poll off to the right, and you've got until Sunday night to help me decide. Leave a comment and vote, and I'll count both! If it's a really good comment, I'll count it even more!

August's RPG Blog Carnival topic is Animals and it's being hosted here at the Tower of the Archmage! How can you get involved? Easy! Write a post about animals, anything about animals, and then share the link! The response so far has been amazing, and I really appreciate everyone who has taken part. There is still some time to get your post up, so get those fingers typing!

Also, if anyone has anything specific about Birthright they'd like to know about, let me know. I'm not quite sure what to write about next for that.


  1. Voted for yes, out of selfish motives alone: Free adventures! Yay! The more, the merrier!

  2. They wouldn't be full adventures - more like adventure seeds. Check out Asshat Paladin's "Ready, Set, Go!" format. I'd probably do it like that.


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